Located at 675 Main Street
(423) 837-7040 Phone
(423) 837-1039 Fax
Hours of Operation: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (CST)
Open Records
The Town of Kimball is dedicated to providing public access of records to the residents of Tennessee, while continuing to protect the integrity and organization of public records. The Town Recorder’s Office has developed a centralized approach to efficiently fulfill open records request by Tennessee residents. Residents who wish to view or obtain copies of records will need to complete the Open Records Request Form and submit it to the Town Recorder’s Office.There is no charge to view records. Copies of records will be subject to the following charges:
Print Type: 8 1/2" x 11" (Letter Size)
Black & White Copies: $0.15 per page
Color Copy: $0.50 per page